Sunday, August 24, 2008

25% and Counting!!!

Oh, man! So, I am unofficially at about 25%-27% of my total monthly support raised! ( I say unofficially because I have yet to see any of my contributions and the names of those contributors.)

If you think about it, I have only been raising my support for nearly a month. Some days I look at my week and think that I'll never get all of my support raised, but when I look at what God has done, all in one month (!) I am astounded and so blessed!

So, "Where is this money coming from," you might greatest contributor is from my home church, SunValley Community Church, who has prayed and decided to provide me with about 1/5 of the total monthly amount I need.

The rest of the amount is coming from individual supporters right now, and it is my prayer that about 60%-70% of my total monthly support will come from individuals. Why? Because I love the personal side of having INDIVIDUALS taking part and ownership of saving lives and spreading the gospel in Nigeria. Yes, so cliché, I know, but your contribution is changing lives in Central Africa!

Well, right now I am working hard at getting my second news letter out. Hopefully they will all be in the mail by Tuesday and the way, if you'd like a news letter and you did not get my first one, drop me a line by leaving a comment on this post...yes, I do read them all! fact, I wish I had more...Hint! Hint!

Anywho...Gembu, Nigeria here I come.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blah, blah, blah...

Lately God has revealed two major themes to me.
One: Spiritual warfare.
Many times I live life as if there is no enemy that has a purpose to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:9). The fact is that we have the opportunity for untold peace, and that when we live within the will of God, we act upon His will and do the work that He has assigned us...we become a threat to the enemy and suddenly find ourselves in the enemy’s cross-hairs; we are to be taken out of commission. So, God tells us to suit up, to take up the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:13). May it be so with us.
Two: Belief.
I so often hear, and state myself, that we must believe IN God. Indeed, but may we be a generation whom BELIEVES God. I believe IN God's will and purpose...but do I BELIEVE Him?-That God will prevail against my strongholds and addictions? Do we truly believe God when He says we can live life abundantly? I'm not sure about you, my friends, but I find myself so humbled when the good God shows me my unbelief. After all, He is faithful to all generations (Psalm 119:89-90), He fight.s our battles (Exodus 14:14), He guides us and heals us (Deuteronomy 33:27, Psalm 34:18, Psalm 147:3). May we be a people who Believes God.